About Us

One tour can last a lifetime.

You may know, but most of the public does not realize that response professionals can be exposed to more traumas in a single tour than most civilians experience in a lifetime. Left unattended, the tension and stress that result from being bombarded by these traumas can have devastating effects. This can lead to difficulties with personal relationships, alcoholism, suicidal thoughts, and unintentional overreactions on the job.

In response to the critical need for change, our revolutionary and patented approach was born – meticulously crafted to transform responders’ stress in ways unseen for decades. The journey of its creation was guided by the very hands that serve and protect – “By Police, For Police, With Police.” We hold a deep understanding that responders are natural helpers, yet often reluctant to seek help for themselves. But when they do decide to take that courageous step, they are most likely to confide in a peer. With this heartfelt knowledge, we have built a harbor of support and healing, where responders can find solace in the company of those who walk the same path.

Law Enforcement Officers

Our groups are facilitated by trained peers, your peers. Our peer facilitators are volunteers and represent the finest of our police. They come to us with a wealth of knowledge, providing coaching to their peers in departments around the tri-state region.

Medical Responders

Our groups are facilitated by trained peers, your peers. Our peer facilitators are volunteers and represent the most essential of our Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics. They come to us with a wealth of knowledge, providing coaching to their peers in departments around the tri-state region.


Our groups are facilitated by trained peers, your peers. Our peer facilitators are volunteers and represent the bravest of our firefighters. They come to us with a wealth of knowledge, providing coaching to their peers in departments around the tri-state region.

Doctors and Nurses

Our groups are facilitated by trained peers, your peers. Our peer facilitators are volunteers and represent the best of our Doctors and Nurses. They come to us with a wealth of knowledge, providing coaching to their peers in departments around the tri-state region.

How It Works

Our groups are facilitated by trained peers, your peers. Our peer facilitators are volunteers and represent the finest of our responder communities. They come to us with a wealth of knowledge, providing coaching to their peers in departments around the tri-state region. We are fortunate to bring their years of experience to this platform where they may help you with Post Tour Processing.




PTP encourages the processing of the events that members experience daily, utilizing trained active and retired responders as peer facilitators. For the ‘tough’ cases we have a cadre of mental health clinician volunteers that are trauma experts.

It is imperative that an anonymous option be offered to afford responders the opportunity to “rewind their roll call” and support each other in dealing with issues they believe only their peers can understand. Our PTP-trained peer facilitators will create a supportive space where participants can find both comfort and knowledge, identifying and addressing their issues while receiving necessary referrals when appropriate. This virtual platform ensures confidentiality, anonymity and security, allowing responders to voluntarily seek the peer support and professional assistance they need.

With this independent forum, we strive to address the very concerns that may hinder responders from seeking help – the fear of career repercussions. Our mission is to shatter these barriers and provide a safe haven where they can find the healing they deserve without fear of consequence.

We firmly believe that this option, alongside existing programs, is vital. We understand that different individuals have unique needs, and some may find solace in this alternative path. This independent option is not designed to preclude or replace the existing programs available. By acknowledging the limitations of current programs, we aspire to inspire even the most reluctant responders to step forward, fostering a culture where seeking help is seen as a courageous act, not a sign of weakness.

Our program has an Oversight Committee which will allow input and collaboration from a panel that is sensitive to the needs of the response professional communities. Ongoing educational seminars and presentations will be provided. Early peer group support to those at risk for PTSD is the most preventive approach. Now is the time to react to this, affording prevention of ongoing response professional anxiety, depression and suicide. This forum demonstrates a concrete alternative to a complex problem.

Contact ttmpt.com to find out who to reach out to in our organization or your area

Acquire secure, randomized credentials to the ttmpt.com site

Connect to meeting whenever you come off of a tour or have spare time

Listen in to peers, or actively participate, however you feel comfortable

Unwind the stressors of your tour and feel better equipped for tomorrow!


Our groups are facilitated by trained peers, your peers. Our peer facilitators are volunteers and represent the finest of our response professionals. They come to us with a wealth of knowledge, providing coaching to their peers in departments around the tri-state region. We are fortunate to bring their years of experience to this platform where they may help you with Post Tour Processing.